Friday, September 12, 2014

"Maximum Overdrive" Review

This movie is awful, This movie is great, This movie is..... something. How do I put this film into words? It's Stephen King's directorial debut, and he hasn't directed anything since. We should be grateful, yet also disappointed. This movie is so bad it's entertaining.

First off, the acting. It's horrid. Everyone overacts. Somebody is always chewing the scenery.

Let me go into further detail about this. There is no ounce of subtlety and none of the actors hold back. When actors overact, you can't relate to them, because no human acts like that. They end up sounding like cartoon characters, and you know what? It's hilarious.

Another big problem is how generic the characters are. They're all cookie-cutter stereotypes everyone has seen before, and the story does nothing unique with them. They all fall into their roles to make the story go. It really feels like the script was a Mad-Lib. 

Really, those are the only reason this movie is awful, not counting logical fallacies like the Texan character being able to shoot a rocket launcher twice without reloading. Believe it or not, this movie has a thing or two going for it.

First off,  the soundtrack is not only good, but also fits. The soundtrack is done by AC/DC. It fits because the songs often revolve around things related to hell, and this fits because these characters are pretty much trapped in a hellish version of Earth.

Lastly, (I said a thing or two) It's a blast to watch. The action scenes are very well done and involve lots of ridiculously awesome things such as blowing up evil semi-trucks with a bazooka. The actors, despite how awful, are entertaining because of their overacting.The texan character in particular is hilarious. When he's on screen it's like watching a cartoon character.

So that was Maximum Overdrive, and it was awful/good. It's made nicely and it's fun to watch, but at the same time, you can't let bad acting and a generic story slide. Unless, the acting makes the movie more enjoyable, which it does. It's hilarious seeing these actors try so hard and failing miserably because of that.

So, what's my rating?


So, what's next in my hunt for awfulness?


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